xref: /drstd/dlibc/src/unix/header/locale/mod.rs (revision b38c79420b3f9b2af3cf74b30d9faaadb20eb8b0)
1 //! locale implementation for Redox, following http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xsh/locale.h.html
3 use core::ptr;
7 const EMPTY_PTR: *const ::c_char = "\0" as *const _ as *const ::c_char;
8 // Can't use &str because of the mutability
9 static mut C_LOCALE: [::c_char; 2] = [b'C' as ::c_char, 0];
11 #[repr(C)]
12 pub struct lconv {
13     currency_symbol: *const ::c_char,
14     decimal_point: *const ::c_char,
15     frac_digits: ::c_char,
16     grouping: *const ::c_char,
17     int_curr_symbol: *const ::c_char,
18     int_frac_digits: ::c_char,
19     mon_decimal_point: *const ::c_char,
20     mon_grouping: *const ::c_char,
21     mon_thousands_sep: *const ::c_char,
22     negative_sign: *const ::c_char,
23     n_cs_precedes: ::c_char,
24     n_sep_by_space: ::c_char,
25     n_sign_posn: ::c_char,
26     positive_sign: *const ::c_char,
27     p_cs_precedes: ::c_char,
28     p_sep_by_space: ::c_char,
29     p_sign_posn: ::c_char,
30     thousands_sep: *const ::c_char,
31 }
32 unsafe impl Sync for lconv {}
34 // Mutable because POSIX demands a mutable pointer, even though it warns
35 // against mutating it
36 static mut CURRENT_LOCALE: lconv = lconv {
37     currency_symbol: EMPTY_PTR,
38     decimal_point: ".\0" as *const _ as *const ::c_char,
39     frac_digits: ::c_char::max_value(),
40     grouping: EMPTY_PTR,
41     int_curr_symbol: EMPTY_PTR,
42     int_frac_digits: ::c_char::max_value(),
43     mon_decimal_point: EMPTY_PTR,
44     mon_grouping: EMPTY_PTR,
45     mon_thousands_sep: EMPTY_PTR,
46     negative_sign: EMPTY_PTR,
47     n_cs_precedes: ::c_char::max_value(),
48     n_sep_by_space: ::c_char::max_value(),
49     n_sign_posn: ::c_char::max_value(),
50     positive_sign: EMPTY_PTR,
51     p_cs_precedes: ::c_char::max_value(),
52     p_sep_by_space: ::c_char::max_value(),
53     p_sign_posn: ::c_char::max_value(),
54     thousands_sep: EMPTY_PTR,
55 };
57 #[no_mangle]
58 pub unsafe extern "C" fn localeconv() -> *mut lconv {
59     &mut CURRENT_LOCALE as *mut _
60 }
62 #[no_mangle]
63 pub unsafe extern "C" fn setlocale(_option: ::c_int, val: *const ::c_char) -> *mut ::c_char {
64     if val.is_null() {
65         return C_LOCALE.as_mut_ptr() as *mut ::c_char;
66     }
67     // TODO actually implement
68     ptr::null_mut()
69 }