xref: /drstd/src/std/sys/itron/abi.rs (revision 86982c5e9b2eaa583327251616ee822c36288824)
1 //! ABI for μITRON derivatives
2 pub type int_t = crate::std::os::raw::c_int;
3 pub type uint_t = crate::std::os::raw::c_uint;
4 pub type bool_t = int_t;
6 /// Kernel object ID
7 pub type ID = int_t;
9 /// The current task.
10 pub const TSK_SELF: ID = 0;
12 /// Relative time
13 pub type RELTIM = u32;
15 /// Timeout (a valid `RELTIM` value or `TMO_FEVR`)
16 pub type TMO = u32;
18 /// The infinite timeout value
19 pub const TMO_FEVR: TMO = TMO::MAX;
21 /// The maximum valid value of `RELTIM`
22 pub const TMAX_RELTIM: RELTIM = 4_000_000_000;
24 /// System time
25 pub type SYSTIM = u64;
27 /// Error code type
28 pub type ER = int_t;
30 /// Error code type, `ID` on success
31 pub type ER_ID = int_t;
33 /// Service call operational mode
34 pub type MODE = uint_t;
36 /// OR waiting condition for an eventflag
37 pub const TWF_ORW: MODE = 0x01;
39 /// Object attributes
40 pub type ATR = uint_t;
42 /// FIFO wait order
43 pub const TA_FIFO: ATR = 0;
44 /// Only one task is allowed to be in the waiting state for the eventflag
45 pub const TA_WSGL: ATR = 0;
46 /// The eventflag’s bit pattern is cleared when a task is released from the
47 /// waiting state for that eventflag.
48 pub const TA_CLR: ATR = 0x04;
50 /// Bit pattern of an eventflag
51 pub type FLGPTN = uint_t;
53 /// Task or interrupt priority
54 pub type PRI = int_t;
56 /// The special value of `PRI` representing the current task's priority.
57 pub const TPRI_SELF: PRI = 0;
59 /// Use the priority inheritance protocol
60 #[cfg(target_os = "solid_asp3")]
61 pub const TA_INHERIT: ATR = 0x02;
63 /// Activate the task on creation
64 pub const TA_ACT: ATR = 0x01;
66 /// The maximum count of a semaphore
67 pub const TMAX_MAXSEM: uint_t = uint_t::MAX;
69 /// Callback parameter
70 pub type EXINF = isize;
72 /// Task entrypoint
73 pub type TASK = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(EXINF)>;
75 // Error codes
76 pub const E_OK: ER = 0;
77 pub const E_SYS: ER = -5;
78 pub const E_NOSPT: ER = -9;
79 pub const E_RSFN: ER = -10;
80 pub const E_RSATR: ER = -11;
81 pub const E_PAR: ER = -17;
82 pub const E_ID: ER = -18;
83 pub const E_CTX: ER = -25;
84 pub const E_MACV: ER = -26;
85 pub const E_OACV: ER = -27;
86 pub const E_ILUSE: ER = -28;
87 pub const E_NOMEM: ER = -33;
88 pub const E_NOID: ER = -34;
89 pub const E_NORES: ER = -35;
90 pub const E_OBJ: ER = -41;
91 pub const E_NOEXS: ER = -42;
92 pub const E_QOVR: ER = -43;
93 pub const E_RLWAI: ER = -49;
94 pub const E_TMOUT: ER = -50;
95 pub const E_DLT: ER = -51;
96 pub const E_CLS: ER = -52;
97 pub const E_RASTER: ER = -53;
98 pub const E_WBLK: ER = -57;
99 pub const E_BOVR: ER = -58;
100 pub const E_COMM: ER = -65;
102 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
103 #[repr(C)]
104 pub struct T_CSEM {
105     pub sematr: ATR,
106     pub isemcnt: uint_t,
107     pub maxsem: uint_t,
108 }
110 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
111 #[repr(C)]
112 pub struct T_CFLG {
113     pub flgatr: ATR,
114     pub iflgptn: FLGPTN,
115 }
117 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
118 #[repr(C)]
119 pub struct T_CMTX {
120     pub mtxatr: ATR,
121     pub ceilpri: PRI,
122 }
124 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
125 #[repr(C)]
126 pub struct T_CTSK {
127     pub tskatr: ATR,
128     pub exinf: EXINF,
129     pub task: TASK,
130     pub itskpri: PRI,
131     pub stksz: usize,
132     pub stk: *mut u8,
133 }
135 extern "C" {
136     #[link_name = "__asp3_acre_tsk"]
137     pub fn acre_tsk(pk_ctsk: *const T_CTSK) -> ER_ID;
138     #[link_name = "__asp3_get_tid"]
139     pub fn get_tid(p_tskid: *mut ID) -> ER;
140     #[link_name = "__asp3_dly_tsk"]
141     pub fn dly_tsk(dlytim: RELTIM) -> ER;
142     #[link_name = "__asp3_ter_tsk"]
143     pub fn ter_tsk(tskid: ID) -> ER;
144     #[link_name = "__asp3_del_tsk"]
145     pub fn del_tsk(tskid: ID) -> ER;
146     #[link_name = "__asp3_get_pri"]
147     pub fn get_pri(tskid: ID, p_tskpri: *mut PRI) -> ER;
148     #[link_name = "__asp3_rot_rdq"]
149     pub fn rot_rdq(tskpri: PRI) -> ER;
150     #[link_name = "__asp3_slp_tsk"]
151     pub fn slp_tsk() -> ER;
152     #[link_name = "__asp3_tslp_tsk"]
153     pub fn tslp_tsk(tmout: TMO) -> ER;
154     #[link_name = "__asp3_wup_tsk"]
155     pub fn wup_tsk(tskid: ID) -> ER;
156     #[link_name = "__asp3_unl_cpu"]
157     pub fn unl_cpu() -> ER;
158     #[link_name = "__asp3_dis_dsp"]
159     pub fn dis_dsp() -> ER;
160     #[link_name = "__asp3_ena_dsp"]
161     pub fn ena_dsp() -> ER;
162     #[link_name = "__asp3_sns_dsp"]
163     pub fn sns_dsp() -> bool_t;
164     #[link_name = "__asp3_get_tim"]
165     pub fn get_tim(p_systim: *mut SYSTIM) -> ER;
166     #[link_name = "__asp3_acre_flg"]
167     pub fn acre_flg(pk_cflg: *const T_CFLG) -> ER_ID;
168     #[link_name = "__asp3_del_flg"]
169     pub fn del_flg(flgid: ID) -> ER;
170     #[link_name = "__asp3_set_flg"]
171     pub fn set_flg(flgid: ID, setptn: FLGPTN) -> ER;
172     #[link_name = "__asp3_clr_flg"]
173     pub fn clr_flg(flgid: ID, clrptn: FLGPTN) -> ER;
174     #[link_name = "__asp3_wai_flg"]
175     pub fn wai_flg(flgid: ID, waiptn: FLGPTN, wfmode: MODE, p_flgptn: *mut FLGPTN) -> ER;
176     #[link_name = "__asp3_twai_flg"]
177     pub fn twai_flg(
178         flgid: ID,
179         waiptn: FLGPTN,
180         wfmode: MODE,
181         p_flgptn: *mut FLGPTN,
182         tmout: TMO,
183     ) -> ER;
184     #[link_name = "__asp3_acre_mtx"]
185     pub fn acre_mtx(pk_cmtx: *const T_CMTX) -> ER_ID;
186     #[link_name = "__asp3_del_mtx"]
187     pub fn del_mtx(tskid: ID) -> ER;
188     #[link_name = "__asp3_loc_mtx"]
189     pub fn loc_mtx(mtxid: ID) -> ER;
190     #[link_name = "__asp3_ploc_mtx"]
191     pub fn ploc_mtx(mtxid: ID) -> ER;
192     #[link_name = "__asp3_tloc_mtx"]
193     pub fn tloc_mtx(mtxid: ID, tmout: TMO) -> ER;
194     #[link_name = "__asp3_unl_mtx"]
195     pub fn unl_mtx(mtxid: ID) -> ER;
196     pub fn exd_tsk() -> ER;
197 }