xref: /drstd/src/std/sys/unix/time.rs (revision 0fe3ff0054d3aec7fbf9bddecfecb10bc7d23a51)
1 use crate::std::fmt;
2 use crate::std::time::Duration;
3 use dlibc;
5 pub use self::inner::Instant;
7 const NSEC_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
8 pub const UNIX_EPOCH: SystemTime = SystemTime {
9     t: Timespec::zero(),
10 };
11 #[allow(dead_code)] // Used for pthread condvar timeouts
12 pub const TIMESPEC_MAX: dlibc::timespec = dlibc::timespec {
13     tv_sec: <dlibc::time_t>::MAX,
14     tv_nsec: 1_000_000_000 - 1,
15 };
17 // This additional constant is only used when calling
18 // `dlibc::pthread_cond_timedwait`.
19 #[cfg(target_os = "nto")]
20 pub(super) const TIMESPEC_MAX_CAPPED: dlibc::timespec = dlibc::timespec {
21     tv_sec: (u64::MAX / NSEC_PER_SEC) as i64,
22     tv_nsec: (u64::MAX % NSEC_PER_SEC) as i64,
23 };
25 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
26 #[repr(transparent)]
27 #[rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0)]
28 #[rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(999_999_999)]
29 struct Nanoseconds(u32);
31 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
32 pub struct SystemTime {
33     pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) t: Timespec,
34 }
36 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
37 pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) struct Timespec {
38     tv_sec: i64,
39     tv_nsec: Nanoseconds,
40 }
42 impl SystemTime {
43     #[cfg_attr(target_os = "horizon", allow(unused))]
44     pub fn new(tv_sec: i64, tv_nsec: i64) -> SystemTime {
45         SystemTime {
46             t: Timespec::new(tv_sec, tv_nsec),
47         }
48     }
50     pub fn sub_time(&self, other: &SystemTime) -> Result<Duration, Duration> {
51         self.t.sub_timespec(&other.t)
52     }
54     pub fn checked_add_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<SystemTime> {
55         Some(SystemTime {
56             t: self.t.checked_add_duration(other)?,
57         })
58     }
60     pub fn checked_sub_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<SystemTime> {
61         Some(SystemTime {
62             t: self.t.checked_sub_duration(other)?,
63         })
64     }
65 }
67 impl From<dlibc::timespec> for SystemTime {
68     fn from(t: dlibc::timespec) -> SystemTime {
69         SystemTime {
70             t: Timespec::from(t),
71         }
72     }
73 }
75 impl fmt::Debug for SystemTime {
76     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
77         f.debug_struct("SystemTime")
78             .field("tv_sec", &self.t.tv_sec)
79             .field("tv_nsec", &self.t.tv_nsec.0)
80             .finish()
81     }
82 }
84 impl Timespec {
85     pub const fn zero() -> Timespec {
86         Timespec::new(0, 0)
87     }
89     const fn new(tv_sec: i64, tv_nsec: i64) -> Timespec {
90         assert!(tv_nsec >= 0 && tv_nsec < NSEC_PER_SEC as i64);
91         // SAFETY: The assert above checks tv_nsec is within the valid range
92         Timespec {
93             tv_sec,
94             tv_nsec: unsafe { Nanoseconds(tv_nsec as u32) },
95         }
96     }
98     pub fn sub_timespec(&self, other: &Timespec) -> Result<Duration, Duration> {
99         if self >= other {
100             // NOTE(eddyb) two aspects of this `if`-`else` are required for LLVM
101             // to optimize it into a branchless form (see also #75545):
102             //
103             // 1. `self.tv_sec - other.tv_sec` shows up as a common expression
104             //    in both branches, i.e. the `else` must have its `- 1`
105             //    subtraction after the common one, not interleaved with it
106             //    (it used to be `self.tv_sec - 1 - other.tv_sec`)
107             //
108             // 2. the `Duration::new` call (or any other additional complexity)
109             //    is outside of the `if`-`else`, not duplicated in both branches
110             //
111             // Ideally this code could be rearranged such that it more
112             // directly expresses the lower-cost behavior we want from it.
113             let (secs, nsec) = if self.tv_nsec.0 >= other.tv_nsec.0 {
114                 (
115                     (self.tv_sec - other.tv_sec) as u64,
116                     self.tv_nsec.0 - other.tv_nsec.0,
117                 )
118             } else {
119                 (
120                     (self.tv_sec - other.tv_sec - 1) as u64,
121                     self.tv_nsec.0 + (NSEC_PER_SEC as u32) - other.tv_nsec.0,
122                 )
123             };
125             Ok(Duration::new(secs, nsec))
126         } else {
127             match other.sub_timespec(self) {
128                 Ok(d) => Err(d),
129                 Err(d) => Ok(d),
130             }
131         }
132     }
134     pub fn checked_add_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Timespec> {
135         let mut secs = self.tv_sec.checked_add_unsigned(other.as_secs())?;
137         // Nano calculations can't overflow because nanos are <1B which fit
138         // in a u32.
139         let mut nsec = other.subsec_nanos() + self.tv_nsec.0;
140         if nsec >= NSEC_PER_SEC as u32 {
141             nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC as u32;
142             secs = secs.checked_add(1)?;
143         }
144         Some(Timespec::new(secs, nsec.into()))
145     }
147     pub fn checked_sub_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Timespec> {
148         let mut secs = self.tv_sec.checked_sub_unsigned(other.as_secs())?;
150         // Similar to above, nanos can't overflow.
151         let mut nsec = self.tv_nsec.0 as i32 - other.subsec_nanos() as i32;
152         if nsec < 0 {
153             nsec += NSEC_PER_SEC as i32;
154             secs = secs.checked_sub(1)?;
155         }
156         Some(Timespec::new(secs, nsec.into()))
157     }
159     #[allow(dead_code)]
160     pub fn to_timespec(&self) -> Option<dlibc::timespec> {
161         Some(dlibc::timespec {
162             tv_sec: self.tv_sec.try_into().ok()?,
163             tv_nsec: self.tv_nsec.0.try_into().ok()?,
164         })
165     }
167     // On QNX Neutrino, the maximum timespec for e.g. pthread_cond_timedwait
168     // is 2^64 nanoseconds
169     #[cfg(target_os = "nto")]
170     pub(super) fn to_timespec_capped(&self) -> Option<dlibc::timespec> {
171         // Check if timeout in nanoseconds would fit into an u64
172         if (self.tv_nsec.0 as u64)
173             .checked_add((self.tv_sec as u64).checked_mul(NSEC_PER_SEC)?)
174             .is_none()
175         {
176             return None;
177         }
178         self.to_timespec()
179     }
181     #[cfg(all(
182         target_os = "linux",
183         target_env = "gnu",
184         target_pointer_width = "32",
185         not(target_arch = "riscv32")
186     ))]
187     pub fn to_timespec64(&self) -> __timespec64 {
188         __timespec64::new(self.tv_sec, self.tv_nsec.0 as _)
189     }
190 }
192 impl From<dlibc::timespec> for Timespec {
193     fn from(t: dlibc::timespec) -> Timespec {
194         Timespec::new(t.tv_sec as i64, t.tv_nsec as i64)
195     }
196 }
198 #[cfg(all(
199     target_os = "linux",
200     target_env = "gnu",
201     target_pointer_width = "32",
202     not(target_arch = "riscv32")
203 ))]
204 #[repr(C)]
205 pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) struct __timespec64 {
206     pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) tv_sec: i64,
207     #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
208     _padding: i32,
209     pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) tv_nsec: i32,
210     #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
211     _padding: i32,
212 }
214 #[cfg(all(
215     target_os = "linux",
216     target_env = "gnu",
217     target_pointer_width = "32",
218     not(target_arch = "riscv32")
219 ))]
220 impl __timespec64 {
221     pub(in crate::std::sys::unix) fn new(tv_sec: i64, tv_nsec: i32) -> Self {
222         Self {
223             tv_sec,
224             tv_nsec,
225             _padding: 0,
226         }
227     }
228 }
230 #[cfg(all(
231     target_os = "linux",
232     target_env = "gnu",
233     target_pointer_width = "32",
234     not(target_arch = "riscv32")
235 ))]
236 impl From<__timespec64> for Timespec {
237     fn from(t: __timespec64) -> Timespec {
238         Timespec::new(t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec.into())
239     }
240 }
242 #[cfg(any(
243     all(target_os = "macos", any(not(target_arch = "aarch64"))),
244     target_os = "ios",
245     target_os = "watchos",
246     target_os = "tvos"
247 ))]
248 mod inner {
249     use crate::std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
250     use crate::std::sys::cvt;
251     use crate::std::sys_common::mul_div_u64;
252     use crate::std::time::Duration;
254     use super::{SystemTime, Timespec, NSEC_PER_SEC};
256     #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Hash)]
257     pub struct Instant {
258         t: u64,
259     }
261     #[repr(C)]
262     #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
263     struct mach_timebase_info {
264         numer: u32,
265         denom: u32,
266     }
267     type mach_timebase_info_t = *mut mach_timebase_info;
268     type kern_return_t = dlibc::c_int;
270     impl Instant {
271         pub fn now() -> Instant {
272             extern "C" {
273                 fn mach_absolute_time() -> u64;
274             }
275             Instant {
276                 t: unsafe { mach_absolute_time() },
277             }
278         }
280         pub fn checked_sub_instant(&self, other: &Instant) -> Option<Duration> {
281             let diff = self.t.checked_sub(other.t)?;
282             let info = info();
283             let nanos = mul_div_u64(diff, info.numer as u64, info.denom as u64);
284             Some(Duration::new(
285                 nanos / NSEC_PER_SEC,
286                 (nanos % NSEC_PER_SEC) as u32,
287             ))
288         }
290         pub fn checked_add_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
291             Some(Instant {
292                 t: self.t.checked_add(checked_dur2intervals(other)?)?,
293             })
294         }
296         pub fn checked_sub_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
297             Some(Instant {
298                 t: self.t.checked_sub(checked_dur2intervals(other)?)?,
299             })
300         }
301     }
303     impl SystemTime {
304         pub fn now() -> SystemTime {
305             use crate::std::ptr;
307             let mut s = dlibc::timeval {
308                 tv_sec: 0,
309                 tv_usec: 0,
310             };
311             cvt(unsafe { dlibc::gettimeofday(&mut s, ptr::null_mut()) }).unwrap();
312             return SystemTime::from(s);
313         }
314     }
316     impl From<dlibc::timeval> for Timespec {
317         fn from(t: dlibc::timeval) -> Timespec {
318             Timespec::new(t.tv_sec as i64, 1000 * t.tv_usec as i64)
319         }
320     }
322     impl From<dlibc::timeval> for SystemTime {
323         fn from(t: dlibc::timeval) -> SystemTime {
324             SystemTime {
325                 t: Timespec::from(t),
326             }
327         }
328     }
330     fn checked_dur2intervals(dur: &Duration) -> Option<u64> {
331         let nanos = dur
332             .as_secs()
333             .checked_mul(NSEC_PER_SEC)?
334             .checked_add(dur.subsec_nanos() as u64)?;
335         let info = info();
336         Some(mul_div_u64(nanos, info.denom as u64, info.numer as u64))
337     }
339     fn info() -> mach_timebase_info {
340         // INFO_BITS conceptually is an `Option<mach_timebase_info>`. We can do
341         // this in 64 bits because we know 0 is never a valid value for the
342         // `denom` field.
343         //
344         // Encoding this as a single `AtomicU64` allows us to use `Relaxed`
345         // operations, as we are only interested in the effects on a single
346         // memory location.
347         static INFO_BITS: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
349         // If a previous thread has initialized `INFO_BITS`, use it.
350         let info_bits = INFO_BITS.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
351         if info_bits != 0 {
352             return info_from_bits(info_bits);
353         }
355         // ... otherwise learn for ourselves ...
356         extern "C" {
357             fn mach_timebase_info(info: mach_timebase_info_t) -> kern_return_t;
358         }
360         let mut info = info_from_bits(0);
361         unsafe {
362             mach_timebase_info(&mut info);
363         }
364         INFO_BITS.store(info_to_bits(info), Ordering::Relaxed);
365         info
366     }
368     #[inline]
369     fn info_to_bits(info: mach_timebase_info) -> u64 {
370         ((info.denom as u64) << 32) | (info.numer as u64)
371     }
373     #[inline]
374     fn info_from_bits(bits: u64) -> mach_timebase_info {
375         mach_timebase_info {
376             numer: bits as u32,
377             denom: (bits >> 32) as u32,
378         }
379     }
380 }
382 #[cfg(not(any(
383     all(target_os = "macos", any(not(target_arch = "aarch64"))),
384     target_os = "ios",
385     target_os = "watchos",
386     target_os = "tvos"
387 )))]
388 mod inner {
389     use crate::std::fmt;
390     use crate::std::mem::MaybeUninit;
391     use crate::std::sys::cvt;
392     use crate::std::time::Duration;
393     use dlibc;
395     use super::{SystemTime, Timespec};
397     #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
398     pub struct Instant {
399         t: Timespec,
400     }
402     impl Instant {
403         pub fn now() -> Instant {
404             #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
405             const clock_id: dlibc::clockid_t = dlibc::CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW;
406             #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
407             const clock_id: dlibc::clockid_t = dlibc::CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
408             Instant {
409                 t: Timespec::now(clock_id),
410             }
411         }
413         pub fn checked_sub_instant(&self, other: &Instant) -> Option<Duration> {
414             self.t.sub_timespec(&other.t).ok()
415         }
417         pub fn checked_add_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
418             Some(Instant {
419                 t: self.t.checked_add_duration(other)?,
420             })
421         }
423         pub fn checked_sub_duration(&self, other: &Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
424             Some(Instant {
425                 t: self.t.checked_sub_duration(other)?,
426             })
427         }
428     }
430     impl fmt::Debug for Instant {
431         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
432             f.debug_struct("Instant")
433                 .field("tv_sec", &self.t.tv_sec)
434                 .field("tv_nsec", &self.t.tv_nsec.0)
435                 .finish()
436         }
437     }
439     impl SystemTime {
440         pub fn now() -> SystemTime {
441             SystemTime {
442                 t: Timespec::now(dlibc::CLOCK_REALTIME),
443             }
444         }
445     }
447     impl Timespec {
448         pub fn now(clock: dlibc::clockid_t) -> Timespec {
449             // Try to use 64-bit time in preparation for Y2038.
450             #[cfg(all(
451                 target_os = "linux",
452                 target_env = "gnu",
453                 target_pointer_width = "32",
454                 not(target_arch = "riscv32")
455             ))]
456             {
457                 use crate::std::sys::weak::weak;
459                 // __clock_gettime64 was added to 32-bit arches in glibc 2.34,
460                 // and it handles both vDSO calls and ENOSYS fallbacks itself.
461                 weak!(fn __clock_gettime64(dlibc::clockid_t, *mut super::__timespec64) -> dlibc::c_int);
463                 if let Some(clock_gettime64) = __clock_gettime64.get() {
464                     let mut t = MaybeUninit::uninit();
465                     cvt(unsafe { clock_gettime64(clock, t.as_mut_ptr()) }).unwrap();
466                     return Timespec::from(unsafe { t.assume_init() });
467                 }
468             }
470             let mut t = MaybeUninit::uninit();
471             cvt(unsafe { dlibc::clock_gettime(clock, t.as_mut_ptr()) }).unwrap();
472             Timespec::from(unsafe { t.assume_init() })
473         }
474     }
475 }