xref: /relibc/core_io/build.rs (revision b358934c5c46101ccbb1a7c087086704e42ebc7e)
1 extern crate rustc_version;
3 use std::env;
4 use std::fs::File;
5 use std::io::Write;
6 use std::path::PathBuf;
7 use std::ops::{Neg,Sub};
9 /*
10  * Let me explain this hack. For the sync shell script it's easiest if every
11  * line in mapping.rs looks exactly the same. This means that specifying an
12  * array literal is not possible. include!() can only expand to expressions, so
13  * just specifying the contents of an array is also not possible.
14  *
15  * This leaves us with trying to find an expression in which every line looks
16  * the same. This can be done using the `-` operator. This can be a unary
17  * operator (first thing on the first line), or a binary operator (later
18  * lines). That is exactly what's going on here, and Neg and Sub simply build a
19  * vector of the operangs.
20  */
21 struct Mapping(&'static str,&'static str);
23 impl Neg for Mapping {
24 	type Output = Vec<Mapping>;
25     fn neg(self) -> Vec<Mapping> {
26 		vec![self.into()]
27 	}
28 }
30 impl Sub<Mapping> for Vec<Mapping> {
31     type Output=Vec<Mapping>;
32     fn sub(mut self, rhs: Mapping) -> Vec<Mapping> {
33 		self.push(rhs.into());
34 		self
35 	}
36 }
38 fn main() {
39 	let io_commit=match env::var("CORE_IO_COMMIT") {
40 		Ok(c) => c,
41 		Err(env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("Invalid commit specified in CORE_IO_COMMIT"),
42 		Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
43 			let mappings=include!("mapping.rs");
45 			let compiler=rustc_version::version_meta().commit_hash.expect("Couldn't determine compiler version");
46 			mappings.iter().find(|&&Mapping(elem,_)|elem==compiler).expect("Unknown compiler version, upgrade core_io?").1.to_owned()
47 		}
48 	};
50 	let mut dest_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
51 	dest_path.push("io.rs");
52 	let mut f=File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();
54 	let mut target_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
55 	target_path.push("src");
56 	target_path.push(io_commit);
57 	target_path.push("mod.rs");
59 	f.write_all(br#"#[path=""#).unwrap();
60 	f.write_all(target_path.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
61 	f.write_all(br#""] mod io;"#).unwrap();
62 }