xref: /relibc/openlibm/.travis.yml (revision 73b3d88ef19e8dd761ab1229c69722637b78cd31)
1806c725eSPeter Colberg# We require a full (virtual) machine to load the kernel module for
2806c725eSPeter Colberg# binfmt support, which is needed to test other architectures besides
3806c725eSPeter Colberg# x86 using qemu user emulation. (This will not work in a container.)
450c52d2bSPeter Colbergsudo: required
550c52d2bSPeter Colbergdist: trusty
69101f612SThomas Leonardlanguage: c
750c52d2bSPeter Colberg
850c52d2bSPeter Colbergscript:
950c52d2bSPeter Colberg    - make $FLAGS
10806c725eSPeter Colberg    - make check $FLAGS $TEST_FLAGS
1150c52d2bSPeter Colberg    - make clean && git status --ignored --porcelain && test -z "$(git status --ignored --porcelain)"
1250c52d2bSPeter Colberg
1315007d54SViral B. Shahmatrix:
1450c52d2bSPeter Colberg    include:
15b5e67495SElliot Saba        - compiler: clang
16b5e67495SElliot Saba          os: linux
17b5e67495SElliot Saba          addons:
18b5e67495SElliot Saba              apt:
19b5e67495SElliot Saba                  sources:
20b5e67495SElliot Saba                      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
21b5e67495SElliot Saba                      - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.7
22b5e67495SElliot Saba                  packages:
23b5e67495SElliot Saba                      - clang-3.7
24b5e67495SElliot Saba          env: FLAGS="CC=clang-3.7 CXX=clang++-3.7"
25b5e67495SElliot Saba
26343a7199SElliot Saba        - os: osx
27343a7199SElliot Saba          env: FLAGS="CC=clang"
28343a7199SElliot Saba
2950c52d2bSPeter Colberg        - os: linux
3050c52d2bSPeter Colberg          env: FLAGS="CC=gcc"
3150c52d2bSPeter Colberg
3229bf900eSPeter Colberg        - os: linux
3329bf900eSPeter Colberg          env: FLAGS="CC=gcc ARCH=i686"  # implies -m32 -march=i686
3429bf900eSPeter Colberg          addons:
3529bf900eSPeter Colberg              apt:
3629bf900eSPeter Colberg                  packages:
3729bf900eSPeter Colberg                      - gcc-multilib
3829bf900eSPeter Colberg
39806c725eSPeter Colberg        - os: linux
40806c725eSPeter Colberg          env: FLAGS="CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
41806c725eSPeter Colberg          addons:
42806c725eSPeter Colberg              apt:
43806c725eSPeter Colberg                  packages:
44806c725eSPeter Colberg                      - gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
45806c725eSPeter Colberg                      - libc6-dev-arm64-cross
46806c725eSPeter Colberg                      - qemu-user-static
47806c725eSPeter Colberg                      - binfmt-support
48806c725eSPeter Colberg
49d6c4935dSElliot Saba        - os: linux
50d6c4935dSElliot Saba          env: FLAGS="CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
51d6c4935dSElliot Saba          addons:
52d6c4935dSElliot Saba              apt:
53d6c4935dSElliot Saba                  packages:
54d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
55d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - libc6-dev-armhf-cross
56d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - qemu-user-static
57d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - binfmt-support
58d6c4935dSElliot Saba
59d6c4935dSElliot Saba        # This works, but only if qemu-user-static is >= v2.4.  This is not the
60d6c4935dSElliot Saba        # case on the default trusty images, so we add a PPA that has qemu 2.5
61d6c4935dSElliot Saba        - os: linux
62d6c4935dSElliot Saba          env: FLAGS="CC=powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
63d6c4935dSElliot Saba          addons:
64d6c4935dSElliot Saba              apt:
65d6c4935dSElliot Saba                  sources:
66d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - sourceline: "ppa:gns3/qemu"
67d6c4935dSElliot Saba                  packages:
68d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
69d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - libc6-dev-ppc64el-cross
70d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - qemu-user-static
71d6c4935dSElliot Saba                      - binfmt-support
72*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou
73*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou        - os: linux
74*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          env: FLAGS="CC=mips-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
75*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          addons:
76*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou              apt:
77*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  sources:
78*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - sourceline: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main universe"
79*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  packages:
80*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - gcc-mips-linux-gnu
81*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - libc6-dev-mips-cross
82*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - qemu-user-binfmt
83*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou
84*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou        - os: linux
85*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          env: FLAGS="CC=mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
86*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          addons:
87*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou              apt:
88*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  sources:
89*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - sourceline: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main universe"
90*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  packages:
91*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - gcc-mipsel-linux-gnu
92*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - libc6-dev-mipsel-cross
93*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - qemu-user-binfmt
94*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou
95*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou        - os: linux
96*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          env: FLAGS="CC=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-gcc" TEST_FLAGS="LDFLAGS=-static"
97*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou          addons:
98*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou              apt:
99*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  sources:
100*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - sourceline: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main universe"
101*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                  packages:
102*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - gcc-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64
103*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - libc6-dev-mips64el-cross
104*a4b3fdebSMo Zhou                      - qemu-user-binfmt
10579affe97SViral B. Shahnotifications:
10679affe97SViral B. Shah    email: false