xref: /relibc/pthreads-emb/COPYING (revision 062c5bc4dfeed2c1bed58ed4810dd27adb32c68d)
1*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	pthreads-win32 - a POSIX threads library for Microsoft Windows
2*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
3*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
4*062c5bc4SJason SchmidlappThis file is Copyrighted
5*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp------------------------
6*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
7*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    This file is covered under the following Copyright:
8*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
9*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	Copyright (C) 2001,2006 Ross P. Johnson
10*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	All rights reserved.
11*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
12*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
13*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
14*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
15*062c5bc4SJason SchmidlappPthreads-win32 is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License
16*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp------------------------------------------------------------------
17*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
18*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Pthreads-win32 is open software; you can redistribute it and/or
19*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 of the
21*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    License.
22*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
23*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Pthreads-win32 is several binary link libraries, several modules,
24*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    associated interface definition files and scripts used to control
25*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    its compilation and installation.
26*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
27*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Pthreads-win32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
32*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is distributed with
33*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    pthreads-win32 under the filename:
34*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
35*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    COPYING.LIB
36*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
37*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    You should have received a copy of the version 2.1 GNU Lesser General
38*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Public License with pthreads-win32; if not, write to:
39*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
40*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
41*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    59 Temple Place
42*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    Suite 330
43*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    Boston, MA	02111-1307
44*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    USA
45*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
46*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    The contact addresses for pthreads-win32 is as follows:
47*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
48*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp        Web:	http://sources.redhat.com/pthreads-win32
49*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp        Email:  Ross Johnson
50*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp                Please use: Firstname.Lastname@homemail.com.au
51*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
52*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
53*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
54*062c5bc4SJason SchmidlappPthreads-win32 copyrights and exception files
55*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp---------------------------------------------
56*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
57*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    With the exception of the files listed below, Pthreads-win32
58*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    is covered under the following GNU Lesser General Public License
59*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Copyrights:
60*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
61*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	Pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32
62*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	Copyright(C) 1998 John E. Bossom
63*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	Copyright(C) 1999,2006 Pthreads-win32 contributors
64*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
65*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	The current list of contributors is contained
66*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp        in the file CONTRIBUTORS included with the source
67*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	code distribution. The current list of CONTRIBUTORS
68*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	can also be seen at the following WWW location:
69*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp        http://sources.redhat.com/pthreads-win32/contributors.html
70*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
71*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Contact Email: Ross Johnson
72*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp                   Please use: Firstname.Lastname@homemail.com.au
73*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
74*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    These files are not covered under one of the Copyrights listed above:
75*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
76*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp            COPYING
77*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	    COPYING.LIB
78*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp            tests/rwlock7.c
79*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
80*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    This file, COPYING, is distributed under the Copyright found at the
81*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    top of this file.  It is important to note that you may distribute
82*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    verbatim copies of this file but you may not modify this file.
83*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
84*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    The file COPYING.LIB, which contains a copy of the version 2.1
85*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    GNU Lesser General Public License, is itself copyrighted by the
86*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Free Software Foundation, Inc.  Please note that the Free Software
87*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Foundation, Inc. does NOT have a copyright over Pthreads-win32,
88*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    only the COPYING.LIB that is supplied with pthreads-win32.
89*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
90*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    The file tests/rwlock7.c is derived from code written by
91*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Dave Butenhof for his book 'Programming With POSIX(R) Threads'.
92*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    The original code was obtained by free download from his website
93*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    http://home.earthlink.net/~anneart/family/Threads/source.html
94*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    and did not contain a copyright or author notice. It is assumed to
95*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    be freely distributable.
96*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
97*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    In all cases one may use and distribute these exception files freely.
98*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    And because one may freely distribute the LGPL covered files, the
99*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    entire pthreads-win32 source may be freely used and distributed.
100*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
101*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
102*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
103*062c5bc4SJason SchmidlappGeneral Copyleft and License info
104*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp---------------------------------
105*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
106*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    For general information on Copylefts, see:
107*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
108*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/
109*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
110*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    For information on GNU Lesser General Public Licenses, see:
111*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
112*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
113*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp	http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt
114*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
115*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
116*062c5bc4SJason SchmidlappWhy pthreads-win32 did not use the GNU General Public License
117*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp-------------------------------------------------------------
118*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
119*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    The goal of the pthreads-win32 project has been to
120*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    provide a quality and complete implementation of the POSIX
121*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    threads API for Microsoft Windows within the limits imposed
122*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    by virtue of it being a stand-alone library and not
123*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    linked directly to other POSIX compliant libraries. For
124*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    example, some functions and features, such as those based
125*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    on POSIX signals, are missing.
126*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
127*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Pthreads-win32 is a library, available in several different
128*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    versions depending on supported compilers, and may be used
129*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    as a dynamically linked module or a statically linked set of
130*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    binary modules. It is not an application on it's own.
131*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
132*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    It was fully intended that pthreads-win32 be usable with
133*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    commercial software not covered by either the GPL or the LGPL
134*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    licenses. Pthreads-win32 has many contributors to it's
135*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    code base, many of whom have done so because they have
136*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    used the library in commercial or proprietry software
137*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    projects.
138*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
139*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Releasing pthreads-win32 under the LGPL ensures that the
140*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    library can be used widely, while at the same time ensures
141*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    that bug fixes and improvements to the pthreads-win32 code
142*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    itself is returned to benefit all current and future users
143*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    of the library.
144*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp
145*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    Although pthreads-win32 makes it possible for applications
146*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    that use POSIX threads to be ported to Win32 platforms, the
147*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    broader goal of the project is to encourage the use of open
148*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    standards, and in particular, to make it just a little easier
149*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    for developers writing Win32 applications to consider
150*062c5bc4SJason Schmidlapp    widening the potential market for their products.