xref: /relibc/ralloc/src/block.rs (revision 5285a72bce125fda9b6d3db552fd381d5b5b8bbb)
1 //! Memory blocks.
2 //!
3 //! Blocks are the main unit for the memory bookkeeping. A block is a simple construct with a
4 //! `Pointer` pointer and a size. Occupied (non-free) blocks are represented by a zero-sized block.
6 // TODO: Check the allow(cast_possible_wrap)s again.
8 use prelude::*;
10 use {sys, fail};
12 use core::{ptr, cmp, mem, fmt};
14 /// A contiguous memory block.
15 ///
16 /// This provides a number of guarantees,
17 ///
18 /// 1. The buffer is valid for the block's lifetime, but not necessarily initialized.
19 /// 2. The Block "owns" the inner data.
20 /// 3. There is no interior mutability. Mutation requires either mutable access or ownership over
21 ///    the block.
22 /// 4. The buffer is not aliased. That is, it do not overlap with other blocks or is aliased in any
23 ///    way.
24 ///
25 /// All this is enforced through the type system. These invariants can only be broken through
26 /// unsafe code.
27 ///
28 /// Accessing it through an immutable reference does not break these guarantees. That is, you are
29 /// not able to read/mutate without acquiring a _mutable_ reference.
30 #[must_use]
31 pub struct Block {
32     /// The size of this block, in bytes.
33     size: usize,
34     /// The pointer to the start of this block.
35     ptr: Pointer<u8>,
36 }
38 impl Block {
39     /// Construct a block from its raw parts (pointer and size).
40     #[inline]
41     pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(ptr: Pointer<u8>, size: usize) ->  Block {
42         Block {
43             size: size,
44             ptr: ptr,
45         }
46     }
48     /// BRK allocate a block.
49     #[inline]
50     #[allow(cast_possible_wrap)]
51     pub fn brk(size: usize) -> Block {
52         Block {
53             size: size,
54             ptr: unsafe {
55                 Pointer::new(sys::sbrk(size as isize).unwrap_or_else(|()| fail::oom()))
56             },
57         }
58     }
60     /// Create an empty block starting at `ptr`.
61     #[inline]
62     pub fn empty(ptr: Pointer<u8>) -> Block {
63         Block {
64             size: 0,
65             // This won't alias `ptr`, since the block is empty.
66             ptr: unsafe { Pointer::new(*ptr) },
67         }
68     }
70     /// Create an empty block representing the left edge of this block
71     #[inline]
72     pub fn empty_left(&self) -> Block {
73         Block {
74             size: 0,
75             ptr: unsafe { Pointer::new(*self.ptr) },
76         }
77     }
79     /// Create an empty block representing the right edge of this block
80     #[inline]
81     #[allow(cast_possible_wrap)]
82     pub fn empty_right(&self) -> Block {
83         Block {
84             size: 0,
85             ptr: unsafe {
86                 // By the invariants of this type (the end is addressable), this conversion isn't
87                 // overflowing.
88                 Pointer::new(*self.ptr).offset(self.size as isize)
89             },
90         }
91     }
93     /// Merge this block with a block to the right.
94     ///
95     /// This will simply extend the block, adding the size of the block, and then set the size to
96     /// zero. The return value is `Ok(())` on success, and `Err(())` on failure (e.g., the blocks
97     /// are not adjacent).
98     ///
99     /// If you merge with a zero sized block, it will succeed, even if they are not adjacent.
100     #[inline]
101     pub fn merge_right(&mut self, block: &mut Block) -> Result<(), ()> {
102         if block.is_empty() {
103             Ok(())
104         } else if self.left_to(block) {
105             // Since the end of `block` is bounded by the address space, adding them cannot
106             // overflow.
107             self.size += block.pop().size;
108             // We pop it to make sure it isn't aliased.
110             Ok(())
111         } else { Err(()) }
112     }
114     /// Is this block empty/free?
115     #[inline]
116     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
117         self.size == 0
118     }
120     /// Get the size of the block.
121     pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
122         self.size
123     }
125     /// Is this block aligned to `align`?
126     #[inline]
127     pub fn aligned_to(&self, align: usize) -> bool {
128         *self.ptr as usize % align == 0
129     }
131     /// memcpy the block to another pointer.
132     ///
133     /// # Panics
134     ///
135     /// This will panic if the target block is smaller than the source.
136     #[inline]
137     pub fn copy_to(&self, block: &mut Block) {
138         // Bound check.
139         assert!(self.size <= block.size, "Block too small.");
141         unsafe {
142             ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(*self.ptr, *block.ptr, self.size);
143         }
144     }
146     /// Volatile zero this memory.
147     pub fn sec_zero(&mut self) {
148         use core::intrinsics;
150         if cfg!(feature = "security") {
151             unsafe {
152                 intrinsics::volatile_set_memory(*self.ptr, 0, self.size);
153             }
154         }
155     }
157     /// "Pop" this block.
158     ///
159     /// This marks it as free, and returns the old value.
160     #[inline]
161     pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Block {
162         unborrow!(mem::replace(self, Block::empty(self.ptr.clone())))
163     }
165     /// Is this block placed left to the given other block?
166     #[inline]
167     pub fn left_to(&self, to: &Block) -> bool {
168         // This won't overflow due to the end being bounded by the address space.
169         self.size + *self.ptr as usize == *to.ptr as usize
170     }
172     /// Split the block at some position.
173     ///
174     /// # Panics
175     ///
176     /// Panics if `pos` is out of bound.
177     #[inline]
178     #[allow(cast_possible_wrap)]
179     pub fn split(self, pos: usize) -> (Block, Block) {
180         assert!(pos <= self.size, "Split {} out of bound (size is {})!", pos, self.size);
182         (
183             Block {
184                 size: pos,
185                 ptr: self.ptr.clone(),
186             },
187             Block {
188                 size: self.size - pos,
189                 ptr: unsafe {
190                     // This won't overflow due to the assertion above, ensuring that it is bounded
191                     // by the address space. See the `split_at_mut` source from libcore.
192                     self.ptr.offset(pos as isize)
193                 },
194             }
195         )
196     }
198     /// Split this block, such that the second block is aligned to `align`.
199     ///
200     /// Returns an `None` holding the intact block if `align` is out of bounds.
201     #[inline]
202     #[allow(cast_possible_wrap)]
203     pub fn align(&mut self, align: usize) -> Option<(Block, Block)> {
204         // Calculate the aligner, which defines the smallest size required as precursor to align
205         // the block to `align`.
206         let aligner = (align - *self.ptr as usize % align) % align;
207         //                                                 ^^^^^^^^
208         // To avoid wasting space on the case where the block is already aligned, we calculate it
209         // modulo `align`.
211         // Bound check.
212         if aligner < self.size {
213             // Invalidate the old block.
214             let old = self.pop();
216             Some((
217                 Block {
218                     size: aligner,
219                     ptr: old.ptr.clone(),
220                 },
221                 Block {
222                     size: old.size - aligner,
223                     ptr: unsafe {
224                         // The aligner is bounded by the size, which itself is bounded by the
225                         // address space. Therefore, this conversion cannot overflow.
226                         old.ptr.offset(aligner as isize)
227                     },
228                 }
229             ))
230         } else { None }
231     }
232 }
234 impl From<Block> for Pointer<u8> {
235     fn from(from: Block) -> Pointer<u8> {
236         from.ptr
237     }
238 }
240 /// Compare the blocks address.
241 impl PartialOrd for Block {
242     #[inline]
243     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Block) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
244         self.ptr.partial_cmp(&other.ptr)
245     }
246 }
248 /// Compare the blocks address.
249 impl Ord for Block {
250     #[inline]
251     fn cmp(&self, other: &Block) -> cmp::Ordering {
252         self.ptr.cmp(&other.ptr)
253     }
254 }
256 impl cmp::PartialEq for Block {
257     #[inline]
258     fn eq(&self, other: &Block) -> bool {
259         *self.ptr == *other.ptr
260     }
261 }
263 impl cmp::Eq for Block {}
265 impl fmt::Debug for Block {
266     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
267         write!(f, "0x{:x}[{}]", *self.ptr as usize, self.size)
268     }
269 }
271 #[cfg(test)]
272 mod test {
273     use prelude::*;
275     #[test]
276     fn test_array() {
277         let arr = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
278         let block = unsafe {
279             Block::from_raw_parts(Pointer::new(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8), arr.len())
280         };
282         // Test split.
283         let (mut lorem, mut rest) = block.split(5);
284         assert_eq!(lorem.size(), 5);
285         assert_eq!(lorem.size() + rest.size(), arr.len());
286         assert!(lorem < rest);
288         assert_eq!(lorem, lorem);
289         assert!(!rest.is_empty());
290         assert!(lorem.align(2).unwrap().1.aligned_to(2));
291         assert!(rest.align(15).unwrap().1.aligned_to(15));
292         assert_eq!(*Pointer::from(lorem) as usize + 5, *Pointer::from(rest) as usize);
293     }
295     #[test]
296     fn test_merge() {
297         let arr = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
298         let block = unsafe {
299             Block::from_raw_parts(Pointer::new(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8), arr.len())
300         };
302         let (mut lorem, mut rest) = block.split(5);
303         lorem.merge_right(&mut rest).unwrap();
305         let mut tmp = rest.split(0).0;
306         assert!(tmp.is_empty());
307         lorem.split(2).0.merge_right(&mut tmp).unwrap();
308     }
310     #[test]
311     #[should_panic]
312     fn test_oob() {
313         let arr = b"lorem";
314         let block = unsafe {
315             Block::from_raw_parts(Pointer::new(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8), arr.len())
316         };
318         // Test OOB.
319         block.split(6);
320     }
322     #[test]
323     fn test_mutate() {
324         let mut arr = [0u8, 2, 0, 0, 255, 255];
326         let block = unsafe {
327             Block::from_raw_parts(Pointer::new(&mut arr[0] as *mut u8), 6)
328         };
330         let (a, mut b) = block.split(2);
331         a.copy_to(&mut b);
333         assert_eq!(arr, [0, 2, 0, 2, 255, 255]);
334     }
336     #[test]
337     fn test_empty_lr() {
338         let arr = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
339         let block = unsafe {
340             Block::from_raw_parts(Pointer::new(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8), arr.len())
341         };
343         assert!(block.empty_left().is_empty());
344         assert!(block.empty_right().is_empty());
345         assert_eq!(*Pointer::from(block.empty_left()) as *const u8, arr.as_ptr());
346         assert_eq!(block.empty_right(), block.split(arr.len()).1);
347     }
349     #[test]
350     fn test_brk_grow_up() {
351         let brk1 = Block::brk(5);
352         let brk2 = Block::brk(100);
354         assert!(brk1 < brk2);
355     }
356 }